À partir du mois d’août 2020, l’éditeur Matrix42 intègre les solutions Matrix42 Software Asset Management (SAM) et Matrix42 Service Management (ITSM) dans la suite s’intitulant Matrix42 Entreprise Service Management (ESM).
Nous publions au travers cet article les principales nouvelles fonctionnalités des mises à jour des solutions Matrix42 Software Asset & Service Management 10.0.0 et 10.0.1 ainsi que Matrix42 ESM 10.0.2.
Contactez-nous afin d’obtenir un accompagnement à la mise à jour de votre plateforme.
Matrix42 a publié en mars 2020 la release note de la solution “Software Asset & Service Management” : Matrix42 SAM 10.0.0. Voici ce qu’il faut retenir de cette mise à jour :
- L’élément de configuration “Appareil mobile” est obsolète (mode UEM obligatoire)
- Possibilité de réinitialiser les données des primes du SIL au niveau de service standard
- Afficher une notification lorsque la fonction “Gestion des licences – Traitement des données par lots” est activée
- Rapports sur le respect des règles de sécurité [TP]
- Création simplifiée d’IC via un assistant
- Option “Sélectionner tous les éléments” dans la grille (sur toutes les pages)
- Indicateur de maintenance pour les demandes d’UUX
- Pas d’installation de l’interface utilisateur classique pour les nouvelles installations
- Nettoyage du HTML : protection contre le cross-site scripting (XSS)
- Configuration de la page de connexion par thèmes
- Le Workflow Worker [TP] est prêt à être utilisé dans des environnements de test
Windows Server 2008 et 2008 R2 n’est plus pris en charge car Microsoft met fin au support étendu du produit. Cela s’applique non seulement à Matrix42 Software Asset & Service Management version 10.0.0, mais également à toute autre version précédente.
Le nouveau moteur de messagerie a remplacé le moteur d’alerte. Le moteur de messagerie est utilisé par défaut pour envoyer toutes les notifications par le biais d’e-mails standards respectant les normes de conformité. En savoir plus en cliquant sur ce lien.
Le nouveau moteur de workflow remplace le moteur workflow Microsoft AppFabric. Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter Workflow Engine. Le processus de migration vers le nouveau moteur et l’arrêt complet de celui de Microsoft AppFabric nécessite plusieurs étapes afin de garantir une transition fluide et fiable. Plus d’informations en cliquant sur ce lien.
Le service de jetons sécurisés est activé par défaut pendant le processus d’installation du système. Vous pouvez toujours désactiver cette option.
Les agents du Service Desk peuvent différencier les tickets entrants des incidents ou des demandes de service. Désactivée par défaut, il est possible de l’activer dans les paramètres du Service Desk de votre plateforme.
- (PRB34740) SAML Login creates endless sql request after STS was refactored through the feature Discontinue Legacy Console
- (PRB34207) UUX: Assigning/ordering services with Required Services – dependencies are treated differently, SSP vs. Service Catalog
- (PRB34665) LIS – Number of installations is inconsistent
- (PRB34646) As a result of reconciliation WF run LRQ can be consolidated and entitled at the same time.
- (PRB34624) UUX gets unavailable for all users, after failed License check
- (PRB34254) UUX – Quotation marks are not displayed using HTML literal control
- (PRB34178) UUX – Localizable values which contains quotation marks (double quotes) used in text / html literal control cause damage of dialog
- (PRB34605) SCCM – Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at lambda_method
- (PRB34589) UUX Mail Deskriptor – ‘Confirm creation of new Order to Requestor’ bookings sometimes can be unavailable from EmailEngine -> Mails without booking information
- (PRB34505) ‘Group Member Entry’ – ambiguous match error on Ad import after using Provisioning WF “Assign AD group”
- (PRB34597) For Software Products the status 0 is not treated like status NULL
- (PRB34556) Search field becomes inactive after a very short period of time
- (PRB33480) Number of services in report “Cost Center Accounting” (area “Service Catalog”)
- (PRB34146) UUX – Time tracked in team report is not correct and differs from time tracked in personal report and in incident for current user
- (PRB34509) UUX: New feature “Select all” in grids takes very long time and freezes browser if many items are present in grid
- (PRB34534) After re-running of Silverback Data Provider, existing stock items on mobile phone disappear
- (PRB34546) Subscription Licenses are not set to expired after reaching the expiration date
- (PRB34279) Compliance Rule Mail-> Image is not displayed under certain circumstances (incident-opening-mail with image in description via Lotus Notes)
- (PRB34450) Bookings are not relocated to a new cost center after deletion of the old one
- (PRB33977) UUX: In “CC” and “BCC” fields of Send E-Mail Wizard all Persons are choosable, inactive and deleted too
- (PRB34495) UUX – Error with orders with several bookings – No more bookings can be approved
- (PRB34421) UUX – Global Search in Application does not show results
- (PRB34365) UUX – Big imports (>200000) cause SQL timeout despite increased GDIE TimeOut – then all scheduled imports stop working
- (PRB34303) LCM: Compliance Reconciliation Workflow can run into SQL timeouts due to large data amounts
- (PRB34329) UUX: Report “Trend Analysis” does not filter by selected Software Product
- (PRB34389) Contracts do not change to “Expired” state after reaching cancellation effective date
- (PRB34408) UUX Senderaddress can not be customized in mail descriptor
- (PRB34409) Amount of exported rows in grid is limited to about 65000 items in UUX
- (PRB34480) Reconciliation WF stops working if there are a lot of suites and/or downgrades
- (PRB34291) DC Inventory data provider creates several software entries
- (PRB34404) Workflow Studio and Tracking could not be started from SPS Console after upgrade to version
- (PRB34378) UUX: After update to version 9.1.3 – custom dataprovider configuration cant be changed / saved
- (PRB34236) UUX: Edit/ Delete button disappears in Multi Fragment Grid after disable and enable it / full height
- (PRB34441) Empirum connector with custom matchings runs into “i2.LastScanDate” could not be bound error message
- (PRB33688) UUX: Mix of language (some labels are in English) in UUX using German language
Matrix42 a publié en avril 2020 la release note de la solution “Software Asset & Service Management” : Matrix42 SAM 10.0.1. Voici ce qu’il faut retenir de cette mise à jour :
- Migration des accords de niveau opérationnel (OLA) et des contrats sous-jacents (UC) vers les accords de niveau de service (SLA)
- Utilisation de tickets pour les nouvelles installations (la fonction “incident” ne sera plus disponible)
- Extension de schéma pour les pratiques agiles
- Prise en charge de CallTracker pour des attributs de recherche supplémentaires
- Gestion des files d’attente d’entreprise (EQM)
- Nouveau moteur de workflow basé sur Matrix42 Workers
- Matrix42 Workers peut être utilisé à la place des passerelles de données (à l’exception des fournisseurs de données d’inventaire)
- Interfaçage possible avec Azure Active Directory
- Améliorations de l’accessibilité
- (PRB34740) SAML Login creates endless sql request after STS was refactored through the feature Discontinue Legacy Console
- (PRB34207) UUX: Assigning/ordering services with Required Services – dependencies are treated differently, SSP vs. Service Catalog
- (PRB34665) LIS – Number of installations is inconsistent
- (PRB34646) As a result of reconciliation WF run LRQ can be consolidated and entitled at the same time.
- (PRB34624) UUX gets unavailable for all users, after failed License check
- (PRB34254) UUX – Quotation marks are not displayed using HTML literal control
- (PRB34178) UUX – Localizable values which contains quotation marks (double quotes) used in text / html literal control cause damage of dialog
- (PRB34605) SCCM – Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at lambda_method
- (PRB34589) UUX Mail Deskriptor – ‘Confirm creation of new Order to Requestor’ bookings sometimes can be unavailable from EmailEngine -> Mails without booking information
- (PRB34505) ‘Group Member Entry’ – ambiguous match error on Ad import after using Provisioning WF “Assign AD group”
- (PRB34597) For Software Products the status 0 is not treated like status NULL
- (PRB34556) Search field becomes inactive after a very short period of time
- (PRB33480) Number of services in report “Cost Center Accounting” (area “Service Catalog”)
- (PRB34146) UUX – Time tracked in team report is not correct and differs from time tracked in personal report and in incident for current user
- (PRB34509) UUX: New feature “Select all” in grids takes very long time and freezes browser if many items are present in grid
- (PRB34534) After re-running of Silverback Data Provider, existing stock items on mobile phone disappear
- (PRB34546) Subscription Licenses are not set to expired after reaching the expiration date
- (PRB34279) Compliance Rule Mail-> Image is not displayed under certain circumstances (incident-opening-mail with image in description via Lotus Notes)
- (PRB34450) Bookings are not relocated to a new cost center after deletion of the old one
- (PRB33977) UUX: In “CC” and “BCC” fields of Send E-Mail Wizard all Persons are choosable, inactive and deleted too
- (PRB34495) UUX – Error with orders with several bookings – No more bookings can be approved
- (PRB34421) UUX – Global Search in Application does not show results
- (PRB34365) UUX – Big imports (>200000) cause SQL timeout despite increased GDIE TimeOut – then all scheduled imports stop working
- (PRB34303) LCM: Compliance Reconciliation Workflow can run into SQL timeouts due to large data amounts
- (PRB34329) UUX: Report “Trend Analysis” does not filter by selected Software Product
- (PRB34389) Contracts do not change to “Expired” state after reaching cancellation effective date
- (PRB34408) UUX Senderaddress can not be customized in mail descriptor
- (PRB34409) Amount of exported rows in grid is limited to about 65000 items in UUX
- (PRB34480) Reconciliation WF stops working if there are a lot of suites and/or downgrades
- (PRB34291) DC Inventory data provider creates several software entries
- (PRB34404) Workflow Studio and Tracking could not be started from SPS Console after upgrade to version
- (PRB34378) UUX: After update to version 9.1.3 – custom dataprovider configuration cant be changed / saved
- (PRB34236) UUX: Edit/ Delete button disappears in Multi Fragment Grid after disable and enable it / full height
- (PRB34441) Empirum connector with custom matchings runs into “i2.LastScanDate” could not be bound error message
- (PRB33688) UUX: Mix of language (some labels are in English) in UUX using German language
Matrix42 a publié en octobre 2020 la release note de la solution “Enterprise Service Management 10.0.2“. Voici ce qu’il faut retenir de cette mise à jour :
Pages d’accueil
- Nouvelles options de personnalisation et de recherche avancée
Moteur de mise à jour des licences
- Transparence totale sur le traitement actif grâce au live-monitor, accessible directement sur votre tableau de bord
Gestion de pools de traitement de tickets
- Améliorations : tableaux de bord dédiés, support mail-robot, catégories définies par défaut …
Configuration Packaging
- Nouvelle technologie dans la plateforme Matrix42 qui permet à nos clients, qu’ils soient des utilisateurs professionnels ou des développeurs professionnels, de développer tout ce qu’ils peuvent imaginer et de transférer facilement des packs de configuration vers d’autres systèmes ou Matrix42 Marketplace
Assistant amélioré “Ajouter un élément de configuration”
- La construction de nouvelles applications est facilitée grâce aux nombreuses nouvelles fonctionnalités de l’assistant
Amélioration de l’accessibilité ; User-friendly
- Tri des pièces jointes, filtres de recherche à colonnes multiples, gestion plus facile des fichiers …
- (PRB34641) Applications picker does not contain scroll bar if many applications are created
- (PRB34919) Optimization of certain demand rules
- (PRB34939) Related Objects Picker Control does not refresh, when the object creation dialog, open over create button in grid, runs in wizard mode
- (PRB34958) AAD users whose UPN differs from their email addresses cannot log in.
- (PRB35081) The login fails if there are two accounts with the same upn
- (PRB35091) Error on some standard sql reports – “The ‘UserName’ parameter is missing a value”
- (PRB35092) UUX – “ITSM Assign Queue Sub-Workflow” workflow terminates with an error running in AppFabric
- (PRB35120) UUX / SPS – Worker Workflows not choosable for Compliance Rule Start Workflow Activity
- (PRB35121) UUX / SPS – Worker Workflows not choosable for Engine Activation Start Workflow (Engine to be activated)
- (PRB35134) Publish workflow will force an “error message” in WFS that workflow does not needs to be published, when no worker certificate is present and WFEngine is Appfabric and worker
- (PRB35138) VMWare Data Provider VM matching by UUID creates duplicates for inventoried Windows machines
- (PRB35036) Automatic LIS Synchronization does not set the Manufacturer if missing
- (PRB34762) Invalid behavior of a License Reservations dialog
- (PRB34886) UUX Compliance Rule which processes multiple objects does not send parameters (array) to email
- (PRB35087) EMail Robot does not process mail
- (PRB35033) Source files between EM application and EM Data Provider are not equal
- (PRB34944) Procedure improvement -usp_LCM_RecalculateLicenseDemandServerStatistics, – usp_LCM_RecalculateServerMicrosoftCoreValue
- (PRB34931) Active SaaS Subscribers are output as inactive
- (PRB34913) Data Provider MyWorkspace SaaS never updates PurchasedUsageRights of imported licenses
- (PRB34894) VMWare Data Provider imports UUID as Serial Number